We're going to have an
ArtJamz event at work in a few weeks. Everyone at work who wants to participate will come together to paint for a couple of hours. You can copy an image that you bring with you, or one the instructor provides, or you can paint whatever is in your head.
I'm nervous about it because the last few times I've tried to re-create an image using a paintbrush, I haven't been too pleased with the results. I think it's because I always try to include every little detail, and I end up with a piece that's way overworked.
So, I thought, what can I do to better prepare for this really-not-important-work-event-that-I'm-worrying-way-too-much-about? The answer: make my own paint-by-numbers photo to copy.
Using the "cutout" tool in Adobe Photoshop, I turned some of my favorite photos into
national parks-style posters, 'cause they're my fav. I haven't decided yet which of my posters is my favorite, or even if I'll paint any of the ones shared here, but I did have fun playing around in Photoshop, so that's a win! Which one is your favorite?
I'll be sure to post my painting, and the image I was re-creating, after the event later this month. Cheerio.